Sunday, September 13, 2009

Intermission - September 2009

I will not be posting anything heavy this week. Instead, I'm taking a bit of a break. However, I hope to have another post for you all next weekend, followed by another short break. Thanks for all your readership and comments so far.

In the meantime, some of you may want to check out Trimet Confidential ( to get a taste of public transit through the eyes of a bus driver. Trimet Confidential is written by Dan, who is a follower of my blog, The Well Run Dry. (Fortunately, my transit trips usually aren't nearly as exciting as some of his stories.) One day, I hope to run into Dan the Bus Driver Man. I'll get on his bus, show him my transit pass and say to him, "Are you Dan? I am TH in SoC..."

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