Saturday, March 26, 2016

Brussels Flappin' In The Wind

I have been so buried under school work that the alleged Muslim/Arab "terror attack" in Brussels has barely registered with me.  However, I have noticed not only the usual chorus of hysterical Anglo and European voices screaming about how Europe is being destroyed by immigration, but I have also noticed new, formerly seemingly trustworthy voices joining the chorus.  Some of these voices have been lately singing the praises of Donald Trump.  From now on, I deem all such voices to be suspect.  I believe I know the source of the angst of these voices: namely the realization that there is an inseparable link between the emergence of a multipolar world and the emergence of a multicultural and multiethnic society.  This means the inevitable erasure of unequal access to material resources, the end of special privileges for a dominant group, and the emergence of a world in which each person will have to treat his neighbors with respect and learn to share and take turns.

Hence the "terror" temper tantrums we see.  For the emergence of a world such as I have just described is an absolute horror to many people who have had everything their way for a long time, and who have been able to dominate all the other peoples of the earth.  In their horror, the world's privileged people are punching themselves in the face in order to provide a pretext for what they want to do to everyone else, in a desperate bid to hold onto their position of unjust wealth and privilege. 

It's a shame, really.  For the wealth and privilege of those who have exalted themselves by oppressing the poor will come to an end, sooner or later.  As for me, I am reminded of Psalm 146:3: "Do not put your trust in princes, each a son of man in whom there is no help."


  1. One context being ignored is the geo-engineering that has made Syria literally hotter then Hades. Their endless neo-con wars never let up. As for the immigration be careful with the desire of the elites to bring everyone down to the same third world starvation Soylent green level. Immigration with the people not to blame themselves who are merely trying to survive, is used as a weapon to put countries under pressure. They are busy destroying Europe and the Middle East for their "order out of chaos" plans.

  2. Hello Anonymous. Just a note first of all: I normally don't post anonymous comments, but today I made an exception. I welcome dialogue with you, and if you use a Google ID or equivalent, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Your comment fits with something I've been thinking about lately, namely the hidden costs of supposed "autarkies." Europe ( especially Eastern Europe and the core of Northern Europe ) would like to believe they are pristine autarkies that are under threat of destruction from invading non-white, non-Christian hordes. (Note especially the threat of Black Africans! Oh, my!) But if Europe wants to exist as a self-sufficient autarky closed to outsiders, it is only fair that Europe give up all access to the resources which they have stolen from the people they are trying to exclude. However, that would, ahem, lower their standard of living...

    And that leads to a second thought, namely, that the global economic deflation now taking place - a deflation caused by the exhaustion of the resource base needed for a global high-tech industrial economy - will cut off wealthy nations from the resource streams needed to maintain their wealth. Thus we will all get poor together. Under such conditions, hospitality will, oddly enough, become a re-discovered virtue. But more on that in a future post. I've got to get back to work...
