Saturday, January 28, 2017

What Happened During the November Recounts - An Interview with Rick Lass of the Green Party USA

This week I am pleased to be able to present an audio recording of an interview I conducted with Rick Lass, who was the ballot access coordinator for the Presidential campaign of Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein, and was an instrumental member of the team which assisted Ms. Stein in attempting to obtain ballot recounts in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin after the U.S. Presidential election this last November.  For the last several weeks I have been curious as to the experiences and obstacles encountered by the Green Party recount team, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have that curiosity answered in some measure.  I hope you who read will also find the interview to be helpful and informative.

To listen to the interview, click here.

In the interview, I ask the following questions:
  1. What led the campaign of Jill Stein to push for recounts?  (The original question was, "What led the Green Party to push for recounts?"  Rick corrected me and informed me that it was actually the Jill Stein campaign that pushed for the recounts.)
  2. You did recounts in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.  Were there any other states where you considered doing a recount?  If not, why not?
  3. Are there states that refuse or that are - "unenthusiastic" - about a robust audit process?
  4. What was your experience of the recount process?
  5. What efforts did you encounter to hinder or thwart or derail the recounts?  If you did encounter such efforts, please tell us what they were.
  6. Can the official results of the recounts be considered valid?  Why or why not?
  7. What functional or structural barriers do you now see to free and fair elections and to the democratic process at this time?
  8. Do you still believe that the political process in the United States is viable enough for people to pursue the management of their affairs by political means (i.e., by voting, by belonging to political parties, and by participating in the American political process as it now is)?
  9. Regarding activism, are you familiar with scholars and practitioners of nonviolent civil resistance, such as Gene Sharp, Jack DuVall, Professor Erica Chenoweth, and others?

1 comment:

  1. I am a typical voter who believed our voting system would be trustworthy. Never gave any thought EVER to whether or not votes were being accurately recorded. This year, so much that we have taken for granted has been turned upside-down and I discover *much to my chagrin* that I had assumed my right to vote was guaranteed and my vote counted. Listening to the way our votes are manipulated (such as Trump preventing recounts) is sobering. Like many other Americans may have felt for years, I've lost my "blind trust" in the system.

    It was encouraging to hear about what we can DO to repair/improve our voting system (after shattering my rose-colored glasses) and thank you for some hope that we can do better. I'll be watching for ways to participate since this is the second election in which the preferred candidate won the popular vote and lost the election. It's time to get serious.

    Thanks for a very enlightening interview!

