Tuesday, February 11, 2020

The Coming Shenanigans of November 2020

For many of us who live in the United States, the November 2016 election shows overwhelming evidence of election fraud and tampering by the Trump regime and the Russian government.  The nation was pacified into accepting the election results by the argument that it was really Trump's capture of a number of "battleground" or "swing" states, combined with the peculiarities of the Electoral College, that allowed Trump to "win".

Lest the same strategy is being revived to condition Americans to accept another fraudulent "victory" for Trump in 2020, I thought it would be good to re-post a 2017 interview I held with Rick Lass of the United States Green Party in which he described what happened when members of the Green Party asked for recounts of vote results in three of these "battleground" states.  The response from the governments of these three states is illuminating, but hardly surprising, as the leaders of these states value earthly power above truth-telling.  If you want to listen to the interview, there is a download link in the original post.

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