Sunday, October 25, 2020

The Cheating Elephant

I don't have the availability to write a long post this weekend - especially a post that involves heavy research.  But I want to point out an item that appeared in a community newspaper in Southern California.  According to an article on the front page of the Mid-October 2020 issue of the Fullerton Observer, a regional field director of the California Republican Party was caught advertising illegal election ballot drop boxes as places for voters to drop their ballots.  The drop boxes being promoted as "Official Ballot Drop Boxes" by the California Republican Party are in fact not official, nor are they sponsored, installed, or sealed by the California Secretary of State or any County Registrar's office.  The California Secretary of State has issued cease and desist orders to the Los Angeles, Orange, and Fresno County Republican Party offices ordering them to stop telling voters to drop their ballots in boxes that have not been designated official ballot drop boxes by the California Secretary of State or registrars of any County governments.

This leads me to wonder what election fraud tactics and ploys the Republicans are trying to pull in other states.  This is the party that says it is the defender of true Christianity and that accuses everyone else of breaking the commandments of God, thus giving the Republicans the "right" to exterminate the lawbreakers (and to seize their possessions!).  Yet the Republicans have broken the commandment that says, "You shall not bear false witness."

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