Sunday, November 29, 2020

Maintenance Day November 2020

I have a ton of things I need to do away from a computer today.  So I won't have time to write another research-heavy post.  But I will provide readers with a plan of what I intend to cover in future posts.

First, it appears increasingly undeniable that Joe Biden will become the President of the United States on January 20 of next year.  Trump's courtroom challenges to the legal election results continue to be stricken down.  Yet Trump continues with his courtroom challenges, even though these challenges have no merit.  It can be clearly seen that Trump is trying to invalidate votes cast by people of color.  It can also be seen that there are yet many Americans who continue to align themselves with White supremacy and with Trump as their leader.  Therefore, I will continue my series of posts on Gene Sharp's book From Dictatorship to Democracy.  Those of us who have been historical targets of oppression will need to continue to study the ways in which we can use strategic nonviolent resistance to neutralize the power of our oppressors.

Second, I want to continue to discuss the ways in which the outworkings of damnation move through an evil society.  I have focused almost exclusively on the United States in my previous posts, but I want to shift the focus to include Russia, which is another evil society that is now reaping what it has sown.

Lastly, I want to write posts which explore how decent people can navigate these difficult days.  Meanwhile, please read what the Reverend William Barber has to say about the United States of America.  I like this man's perspective!  "Well, I was trained in theology that whatever you call your spiritual experience, if it does not produce a quarrel with the world, then the claim to be spiritual is suspect..."  Maybe this lack of genuine spiritual experience of conversion explains why so many American evangelicals who claim nowadays that they have been "saved" and "born again" look more like Freddy Krueger than the Lord Jesus Christ.

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