Sunday, December 27, 2020

Technology Delay - December 2020

I had every intention of writing another post today for my series on Gene Sharp's book From Dictatorship to Democracy. woes intervened over the last week, during which I spent an inordinate amount of time researching a solution to some intermittent Internet access issues.  The issues are finally fixed as of 4 PM this afternoon, but I have no desire to begin writing a research-heavy post so late in the day.  So we'll have to wait a week.

I do want to mention that sometime in the future I'd like to begin writing a series of posts on the subject of autarky.  Autarky as practiced by empires is a very bad thing.  However, there is a good kind of autarky, a kind which does not involve making oneself self-sufficient by knocking one's neighbor over the head and taking his stuff.  Certain Scriptures from the Good Book come to mind just now.  This good form of autarky does, however, require hard, meaningful work.  And it is especially relevant in a world in which the ability of certain groups of people to enrich themselves by using the tools of empire at other peoples' expense is coming to an end.  Stay tuned...

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