Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Military Service, Patriotism, Guns, and The Church From Hell

Yesterday, I went to attend a tutoring group where I've been helping immigrant children with math.  "Did you know," one of them said, "there was a shooting at our high school today?"

I already had some idea of the details of the shooter before this morning, even though I know almost no one at that high school.  I knew that the shooter was a white male whose learned pathological narcissism and monstrous sense of entitlement had been threatened by the presence in this world of other people - people different from and independent from him.  But I did not know until today that the shooter was a devout Mormon from a gun-packing right wing military family who had gotten upset a week before when his fellow students disagreed with him about a speech he had made concerning Adolf Hitler.

The shooter is typical of the sort of young people many right-wing Anglo-American families are producing nowadays - people who feel monstrously threatened by the emergence of a world which they no longer control, which they can no longer dominate, and in which they will have to exercise the sort of politeness that goes with an accurate estimation of their real place in the world.  In response to the loss of their imagined specialness, these people kill and destroy indiscriminately, proving that they are not special, but worthless. 

There's a lot that can be said about malignant Anglo-American narcissism at the tail end of the American empire,  but I don't have time to say it.  I'll just say this: Jared Michael Padgett - an all-American, a patriot, a gun nut, a Mormon! is dead of a self-inflicted wound after indiscriminately killing an innocent young man.  Now Jared knows how wrong he was about life, about his cult church, about his place in the world, about his relations with his fellow human beings.  Try as I might, I can't feel sorry for him right now.

Friday, March 14, 2014

For Those Who Don't Have Time for 1,000 Words

...A Picture!

I first saw this on  If you agree, feel free to post it on your blogs as well.  You can also find it at 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Anglo-American Monkey Dance

I too have been following the unfolding situation in Ukraine.  I too have noticed the parallels between Ukraine and Syria ("democratic" revolutions instigated by means of mercenaries and other unsavory types financed by the West in order to prepare a country for rape by rich Westerners).  The revolutions are ending badly, and the speckled past and checkered character of the instigators is being brought to light for anyone who is willing to pay attention.

There is another parallel between the situations in both countries, namely, the
monkey dance which was enacted by Anglo-American media along with the Executive and Legislative branches of the British and American governments during the manufactured Syrian nerve gas attack which Messrs. Obama, Biden and Kerry tried to use as a basis for military action in Syria.  The same monkey dance is being enacted again by all the organs of American media over the Ukrainian crisis.  One way to defuse a monkey dance is to respond calmly and rationally - even indifferently - to the monkey who is dancing, while going on with your business.  That seems to be the course which Mr. Putin is taking.  I think he is a wise man.  On the other hand, I wish the American, British and European monkeys would shut up and realize that they can't own the entire world.  If I thought voting would do any good, I'd be up for throwing a few monkeys out of office.

By the way, did anyone notice that in the controversy surrounding Edward Snowden's leak of NSA documents revealing NSA snooping on world leaders, it was the British and the American governments who spied on everyone else?  I sometimes wonder if Anglo-American global policy isn't governed by a British wish for rich, blond Anglophones to re-establish British global hegemony, coupled with a somewhat clueless American willingness to play the stooge.  One thing that fuels such a suspicion is the extensive coverage of the British royal family by the American media - especially by the gossip magazines that one finds next to the checkout stands of many American supermarkets.  But then again, maybe I'm a bit paranoid...