Thursday, October 19, 2023

Introducing the Main Street Alliance

I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce readers to the Main Street Alliance, an organization which seeks to foster the creation and growth of small businesses in the United States.  As I resume my series of posts on the problem of economic precarity, I will also discuss solutions.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I believe that the eradication of the monopoly power of the rich and the fostering of small business among the poor are two strategic efforts which can reduce or eliminate economic precarity in the United States.  This is what the Main Street Alliance is working to achieve.

Those who read about the activities of the Main Street Alliance will also learn about how the rich and the powerful in the United States are trying to destroy small businesses, especially those run by minorities, and how these bad actors are using Republican-appointed Federal court justices in their attacks against small business.  This should be of great concern to those of you who are small entrepreneurs.  The latest attack against small business consists of judicial challenges to the Federal tax code.  Readers of this blog can learn from the Main Street Alliance website how they can join in the fight to foster and protect small business.

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