This is another quick post. In view of the record-breaking heat across much of the Global North this summer, I thought it might be instructive to document the effect which that heat has had in my particular locale. So here are a few pictures from my garden and backyard, along with some comments. These pictures were taken about ten days ago, and they document the damage which was caused by the Pacific Northwest heat wave of late June.
Heat stress suffered by a shade tree in the backyard. Note the yellow, dead leaves. |
Another view of the same tree. |
Damaged leaves and fruit on the apple tree. |
Heat damage suffered by a hazelnut tree. Again, note the discolored leaves. |
Heat injury to a conifer. Note the dead branches and withered needles.
What the heat did to the kale. The scorched leaves are discolored.
About two weeks before the heat wave of late June, I planted onion seeds. The heat killed most of them. Not all news is bad, however. Some of the hardier and more well-established plants in the garden continue to produce, as seen below:
The artichoke plant turned into a space alien! |
The summer squash did well. The zucchini (not shown) - not so much. |
Whoa! Vashka! How'd you get into this picture?! |
And now for some comments. I live just a bit north of the 45th parallel of latitude in the United States. Temperatures this summer have been at least ten degrees above historical averages for much of the last two months. This is true of nighttime temperatures as well. The fact that nighttime temperatures have been so high is
an undeniable proof of the effect of increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, since carbon dioxide blocks longwave infrared radiation (IR), but is transparent to shortwave IR. This means that as the earth warms during the daytime because of absorbed shortwave IR, it is increasingly unable to release the heat thus stored when the sun goes down, because the heat released from the ground (and from hardscapes in urban heat islands) is radiated as longwave IR. That is why such low-tech adaptations as opening windows at night are less effective now than they used to be.
The fact of anthropogenic - that is,
manmade - climate change is undeniable. However, as we have seen during the last year and a half, there are two potential responses to the undeniable. The first response is to make peace with reality and to try under that peace to live gracefully with reality. So we have nations such as China. China is actively researching collective, intelligently-planned ways to adapt its society to mitigate the local effects of a warming climate. The Chinese are especially interested in using natural, low-tech means of lowering ground-level temperatures in urban areas, as documented in a BBC report titled, "
Can You Cool A House Without Air Conditioning?"
Then there are nations such as the United States, in which a distressingly large percentage of the population have given themselves to national narcissism. For the sake of their damnable goal of white supremacy they are willing to sacrifice reality on the altar of their narcissism. Their last, best chance of achieving their goal of total domination of the world was embodied in the presidency of Donald Trump. But Trump made a serious (even though willful) mistake in his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, so we got a bunch of doofuses who refused to acknowledge the mistake and refused therefore to treat the coronavirus pandemic with the seriousness it deserved. These doofuses showed up mask-less and armed to the teeth at the state capitols of states with Democratic governors in order to "liberate" their states from mask mandates and other public health directives which these governors put into place to attempt to deal with the pandemic. These idiots have also by and large refused to get vaccinated in 2021, as documented by a news story titled, "
No, We Didn't Get The Vaccine...We're Republicans" and another story titled, "
GOP Legislators in Missouri Oppose Vaccine Efforts as State Becomes COVID Hotspot." You see, to admit the reality and seriousness of COVID-19 would be to admit that their chosen hero majorly dropped the ball. And as good, textbook cases of narcissism, they cannot admit any mistake whatsoever.
This is why I believe that it will be very difficult for the United States to mount a coordinated, collective, realistic response to the climate crisis which has now begun to severely bite us. For the Republican/white supremacist/evangelical devotion to predatory capitalism and unrestrained economic growth at any cost represents a mistake of much longer standing than the mistake of backing a doofus who dropped the ball in dealing with a pandemic. If the MAGA crowd were not willing to wear masks,
they sure won't be willing to deal intelligently with a climate crisis which is beginning to destroy their livelihoods. They are a textbook case not only of narcissism but of cultic thinking.
(One note: I am almost finished with my series of posts on Gene Sharp's book From Dictatorship to Democracy. I want to do another series of posts which are coordinated around a central theme, but I can't decide which theme I want to tackle next. One theme that appeals to me is the theme of how cults - both religious and secular - establish themselves in a society. It seems to me that this would be especially applicable to the United States, which seems to form cults as easily as some bodies form tumors...)
Lastly, I want to talk a bit about the use of natural mitigation strategies for local climate change effects. From the pictures above, one can clearly see that just planting trees may not be enough to guard against urban heat island effects. Rather, the trees must be managed so that they themselves can survive heat stress. And it may be that trees that are historical natives to many northern climates will have to be augmented with trees that are not natives to the far North, but are native to historically hot and dry climates, trees such as the fig tree, which is able to establish a deep root system and to mitigate heat islands by efficient evapotranspiration. This will require further research.