Friday, June 30, 2023
A Modest Objection To "The Body Keeps The Score"
Sunday, January 29, 2023
How Decent People Should Respond To The Murder of Tyre Nichols
I wasn't planning to write another blog post this weekend. And I have grown to dislike regular exposure to the news. But the police murder of Tyre Nichols came to my attention within the last few hours. Tyre Nichols was an unarmed African-American man who was brutally beaten to death by the police in Memphis, Tennessee. Tennessee is a red state ruled by Republicans and I am sure that many of its citizens are white evangelicals who loudly proclaim the name of Jesus even though they have no intention of doing anything He actually commanded them.
The question that naturally arises after yet another White murder of unarmed Black people is how we who are people of color should respond. I wrote an extensive series of blog posts on that subject a little more than two years ago. Those posts can be found on the sidebar of this blog, under the headings, "From Dictatorship to Democracy" and "Resistance In The Age of Trump." These posts deal with the subject of strategic nonviolent resistance as a means of liberation of historically oppressed peoples. Let me summarize some key points from those posts as follows:
- Strategic nonviolent resistance is an effective means of liberation - especially when it is guided by wise strategy.
- Strategic nonviolent resistance does not consist of trying to convert the oppressor by appealing to the "better angels" of the oppressor.
- Strategic nonviolent resistance works best when an oppressed population withdraws its cooperation from a system of oppression in ways that impose coercive costs on that system and its masters.
- The best kind of coercive costs which an oppressed people can impose are economic costs. Think of things like the Montgomery Bus Boycott, for instance.
- A key component of effective strategic nonviolent resistance consists of the oppressed population building their own structures for individual and communal self-reliance. This way they will not need to rely on the structures of the oppressor.
- Effective resistance does not rely solely or even primarily on mass protest marches.
- Mass protest marches are not as effective now as they were in the past, because oppressors have learned how to discredit the protests by sending agents provocateurs into the marches to cause violence and vandalism.
- One of the main strengths of strategic nonviolent resistance is its nonviolent character. Therefore beware of any people (especially from the white community) who try to persuade you to mix violence (including vandalism or property damage) of any kind into your struggle. If you listen to them, you will give the oppressor a ready-made excuse to increase his oppression. That is why the oppressor sends such people to try to infiltrate your struggle. The oppressor will use any means to try to force your struggle to turn violent. If the oppressor can successfully tempt you to use violence or to destroy property, then he can justify using force to violently crush you. Maintain nonviolent discipline! If you maintain nonviolent discipline, then any violence which your oppressor inflicts on you will backfire on him instead.
- This means that you should probably not listen to anything said by the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict from 2016 onward or to anything said by Erica Chenoweth from 2019 onward. These people used to give good advice up to 2016. After Trump entered the White House, the advice of the ICNC began to turn to garbage. (I wonder - was that change deliberate?) And in my opinion, Erica Chenoweth's recent book titled Civil Resistance: What Everyone Needs To Know is a continuation of that garbage.
- Effective strategic nonviolent resistance requires people to develop the art of strategic thinking and of learning to work together in long-term projects of collective self-reliance. Start developing these skills.
Sunday, December 11, 2022
A Story That Illustrates: The Sea Goddess' Bloom
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Freire's Pedagogy: 1. On Becoming Fully Human
Sunday, December 26, 2021
The Adlerian Organizer
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Strategic NVR In Action: The Colorado Trucker Boycott
Sunday, December 12, 2021
The Urgent Need for Conscientização
- "Freedom In The World 2021: Democracy Under Siege", Freedom House
- "'An Urgent Matter': Biden Warns Democracy Is Under Threat At Summit", The Guardian
- "Democracy Slipping Away At Record Rate, Intergovernmental Body Warns", Reuters
- It should show the oppressed that the world is not just some static thing over which they have no control and to which they have no choice but to submit.
- It should enable the oppressed to see themselves and their relation to the world more accurately - not as mere objects acted upon by forces over which they have no control, but as people who have the power to act to change their reality.
- It should move the oppressed to begin acting on their reality, both as individuals and collectively, as a logical consequence of beginning to see themselves in the world more accurately.
- As part of this movement toward activity, it should lead the oppressed to more clearly see the present intolerable reality of their oppression. To quote Freire (who quotes Marx), "Hay que hacer al opresion real todavia mas opresiva anadiendo a aquella loa conciencia de la opresion haciendo la infamia todavia mas infamante, al pregonarla." ("It is necessary to make real oppression even more oppressive by adding to it the awareness of the oppression...")
Sunday, November 14, 2021
The Ride Of The Gray Cowboys
At the beginning of this year, as part of the work that pays bills, I found myself checking out a book on digital logic design. The book was intriguing because it made use of a piece of open-source digital circuit simulation software. (I always like reading about how to use free tools!) As I read the preface, I ran across a paragraph titled, "How to Acquire Intuition?" The paragraph explained why instilling mathematical rigor through proofs is a key part of instilling the mathematical intuition needed to understand digital logic circuits. As a criticism of the modern way in which many technical subjects are taught, the authors wrote the following sentence:
All we can say is that this strategy [that is, the non-proof strategy] is in complete disregard of the statement: "When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk" [Tuco in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly].
Let me assure you that today's post is not about digital circuits! But I have to admit that the quote intrigued me for reasons that are completely non-technical. You see, I have never watched The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - although I have known that this movie and other movies like it helped launch the big-name careers of some hitherto obscure actors, including Clint Eastwood. So I checked out a few YouTube clips from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and I pondered the career of Mr. Eastwood.
- Cowardice and nonviolent struggle do not mix
- Cowards seek to avoid the conflict and flee from danger, while the nonviolent resister faces the conflict and risks the dangers involved
- Bravery in this technique of struggle is not only moral valor but a practical requirement
- Civil resisters ought to have confidence in the justice and force of their cause, principles, and means of action (Emphasis added)
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Strategic Nonviolent Resistance - What's It To Me?
Thursday, September 23, 2021
From D to D, Chapters 8 & 9: The "Sin" Of Not Needing You
- They strengthen their own self-confidence and motivation as they begin to see the successes they are able to achieve with their own hands.
- They destroy the basis for the "soft power" sought by the dominant societies of the Global North.
- They manage to cross a few "red lines" as they prove that they do not need their wanna-be-Great-Power "saviors" from the dominant culture. This causes those supposed "saviors" to choke a little. Now that's fun!
Tuesday, September 7, 2021
Parallel Institution-Building As The Answer To The Anti-Vaxx/Anti-Mask Crowd
Sunday, September 5, 2021
From D to D, Chapters 8 & 9: The Plight of the Little Red Hen
- A group of poor or oppressed people come together to discuss their common grievances.
- These people manage to move beyond the stage of mere griping or kvetching and start asking, "Okay - so things are bad and we're being mistreated. What do we want to do about it?"
- In pondering the answer to that question, this group begins to discover the ways in which they themselves can collectively meet needs that are being deliberately unmet by the oppressors.
- They begin to act on this knowledge to create their own structures under their own control for meeting their needs.
- This communal self-reliance produces the following effects:
- It starts to create a new shared collective identity among the participants
- It starts to show them that they do indeed have power over their own affairs
- It begins to give them experience and practice in functioning and making decisions as a collective unit
- It begins to produce a collective cause-consciousness which arises out of a new experience of citizenship
- This cause-consciousness becomes the motivator for the group to start thinking about how to strategically use collective action to oppose the power of their oppressors.